Collaborating with Industry

We are always interested to collaborate with industry through joint projects, contract research and consultancy work. We have a solid track record working with/ helping Biotech, Defence and Scientific Instrumentation companies (including Agilent, BAE Systems and Thermo FisherScientific). Please get in touch with us for any research needs related to micro/nano technologies and instrument development or if you are interested in licensing one of our patents.

Capabilities / resources

Micro/nano fabrication. Combined, our team has over 20 years of nanofabrication expertise. Currently, we fabricate our devices at Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication (MCN), which offers class 100 and class 10000 clean room spaces with state of the art lithography, deposition and etching instruments and a specialized bio-laboratory. We have already customized all the relevant fabrication processes needed for complex 3D micro/nano device development. After fabrication, the devices are assembled in house at our laboratories.

Instrumentation. In addition to our scientific work we are very excited about instrumentation. We have several custom-built microscopes and characterisation tools, portable battery operated fluidic pumps, hand held electronics to power complex medical devices.

Microscale Optical Absorption and Light Emission Spectrophotometry Facility: We have a unique in-situ characterisation facility, which consists of in-house developed devices interfaced with a custom built micro-spectroscopic analysis suite. The setup can measure absorption and emission properties of materials down to a 0.2 μm2 spot size, and when combined with the microfluidic modules described above can take time-resolved measurements at a spectral range of 250-1100 nm with microsecond time resolution.